And that's what I call netballin' the Jack!!
- I am Cooking: Scones
- Books I am Reading: Hover car Racer
- TV /DVDs I am Watching: Firefly ( sigh)
Very little sewing was done at sewing last night. Gaye couldn’t make her Santa face be anything less than a puffed up ball, so she put him away, Karen’s decoration had come undone so I fixed it and sewed on the ribbon., Sue did pickpoints and I quilted. We chatted and had supper and all went home at 10 pm. Next week is our last night and then we are going to Pierre’s for dinner the next week. I have pretty much decided I will have their lovely fish, but you never know. I have 4 episodes of TV to catch up on. This morning I made cranberry and white chocolate scones for morning tea and for the Holman Clinic. I might go to Kings Meadows to the craft shop. I now have 14 things for the Advent calendar ( actually it is a box with 25 little drawers) so I need 11 more : some fat quarters would be nice. Then I go to help Alex with her science and I have made a good pavlova for them too. Cathy’s husband, Andrew, is on the front of the paper with his bagpipe playing friends!!! Tomorrow I shall take the Labradors for a walk and that is all. On Friday I am having my hair cut – yes( pumps fist in air) it has grown so long. It is quite cold today, it is 17 C but it is overcast and windy so it feels much colder.
It is 38 days till Christmas. People deride me as I never have a tree and don’t decorate: but Christmas is for family and children and there are only Labradors her, and peri would eat the tree when I was out. I enjoy all the giving aspects of Christmas but I am not a big celebrator and I will not be going anywhere for Christmas. We will be staying home alone- this sounds so pathetic, but I like to be home with the Labradors which is just as well as it is all I can really do!!! As if “Colon” Powell was not enough to deal with, for heaven’s sake, the man is named after a body part!!!! Why can’t they say “Colin”? I know there is some old war buddy story, but really : now there is Condaleezza Rice, named after an Italian music term meaning singing sweetly, I think. I know this is from the woman who named the dogs Vundy, Toti-Too, Harki-Parki-Parker-Posey and Peri naughty but these are dogs, not people. The worst dog names are ones like Elliott or Geoffrey : these are far too serious to be names for dogs –‘ Geoffrey, come here and get your bone’ just sounds wrong. There is a PR guru here who spells his name Siimon or even possibly Siiimon as a numerologist told him it was a fortunate name! Tonight on the ABC there is doco about netball, Magda Szubanski ( can’t spell it) is the narrator but he is being Sharon Strezlecki from Kath & Kim. I played netball badly as a child. We went in Sister Paschal’s car ( Catholic Convent school) and we had to say the Rosary all the way there and back. The nuns’ car smelled awful and we prayed, in fact, as she was such a bad driver I realise now. We were the seconds team and one day we played against Corpus Christi’s seconds team and we were so bad that no-one scored a goal until the third quarter. We were awful, and it’s not as if we didn’t train – we did. We wore orange tunics over orange bloomers and we had a dark green cors, like from your dad’s dressing gown. There was a ritual way or wearing it : you folded it in half, and wrapped it round your waist and then you threaded the tasselled ends through the looped end twice and pulled it tight and it miraculously stayed tight. It was the only thing we were skilled at. I dreaded playing in the rain and wind as we did. We had Dunlop spots shoes and you had to paint them with white paint every time before you wore them and let them dry. In Winter we were always drying them in front of the fire, or trying not to melt them in the oven. In the rain we all left white puddle if we stood still and the grazes from the bitumen courts were vicious. By B Class ( Grade 10) my father has written me a not to excuse me from sport. My ‘sport’ was ballet, my mother sent me as I was clumsy. I did ballet twice or more a week: classical, jazz and character till I was 17 and went to Uni. I loved point shoes and the costumes – making the tutus upside down as the pattern was badly marked!! I loved tying the ribbons on the ordinary shoes and the special wrap around knitted tops we had. When I started teaching I taught the whole school ballroom dances – it was a District High, so another teacher and I ran classes, and when I moved to the north-west coast I was a proper teacher in a dance school!! In the end when we moved here to Launceston I did a few classes but it petered out. I really ant to learn tap dancing but since after climbing the stairs I need a Bex and a good lie down, there is not much hope, is there? I do threaten people with dancing though, and when Amanda was in competitions I used to volunteer to step in if anyone was late. The looks on all their faces was magic!!
Now the ubiquitous Gunns Pty Ltd has applied for a pulp mill to be built in Tasmania. They want it made a Development of State Significance. They are so bad. They are wrecking the state with all their logging – they sell the woodchips to Japan for a pittance. In Japan you need a permit to cut down a sapling, let alone a tree. There will be hell to pay for this I hope. I want there to be marches in the street/. It is all part of the slippery slope of life here, a Coalition Government, Senate control, and Now Lennon and gay are in cahoots to build this regardless of what anyone thinks, says or does. We do not want a pulp mill here. This along with the fact that the Forensic, Drug and fraud squad officers are expected to meet a quota of traffic infringements as well as their other far more important job. You don’t see Gil Grissom having to trawl around for parking violations do you? This is just stupid. Now I must away to the hospital.