What's it all about, sandwiches?
- I am Cooking: Roast Chicken Chilli Soup
- Books I am Reading: Delicious Magazine
- TV /DVDs I am Watching: Dr Who, Cold Case, Enterprise, CSI, L&O
Well, I am less tired today, Hooray!!! We all woke up at 8-30 am and then went for a late walk at 9 am and after the innards of a beastie episode I needed a cup of tea when we got home, just ahead of the rain.
Make a cake for the people at the Adult Ed Freeform Knitting and Crochet class? Seemed like a good idea until I regained my senses and made roasted chicken and vegetable chilli soup!!! A much more sensible idea. I have tasted it and it is yummy though I will deign to give some to K who is on a diet and has banned me making cakes for her!!! I am going to sewing tonight and I will take her some there. I have the biggest bag of polyester stuffing to take as we all had none last week and were reduced to tearing small bits off a piece of wadding!!!
My Freeform has taken form although now I can see it I know some pieces just don’t fit, I have more of some wools than others , and I need a bazillion more tiny weeny bits to fill in gaps. At the rate I am going I will have a coat!!!! ( I have made the computer’ Learn’ bazillion and all its permutations!! It is such a mindless serf!!) It looks quite impressive, but I still work on the ‘everyone else’s is better than mine ‘ theory. It is the Sandwich Theory. No matter how wonderfully careful I am with ingredients, method or construction, someone else’s sandwiches are always nicer than mine. They can be cheese and Vegemite, jam, whatever, and they are still nicer. I think I will make a gorgeous salad sandwich with gourmet mayo I have made with my own fair hands, extra special wholegrain mustard and the best sturdy bread and salad , but it is always a disappointment. I am boiling up the roast chicken bones to make stock for the Labradors!!!
I am of the opinion that either my TV or VCR is on its way out. Last night the VCR got very hot and refused to work at all, and there is a weird uneasy flicker and static noise at times. This is because my Christmas Club is due soon and all good appliances know this and gird their loins to give up the ghost as soon as the money is available. I also received to day in the mail a letter saying that the DVD recorder ( or the DIGA as it is affectionately know) is paid for, the 12 month interest free is over and it is mine all mine ( maniacal laughter and crashing organ chords a la Goodies) This means that another appliance will bite the dust. I suppose it is just that everything is getting on, 16 years or more, and it is all starting to wear out. Next TV will be a smaller one and I am considering set top box, but I want one I can tape from. There is nothing on the extra station on the digital band, but there might be one day.
Christine Milne has won the 6th Senate seat and we are all very happy here Any thought she might win would make her lose so it has been all pessimism till now. It is ironic that now the Greens are increasing in popularity, their ability to enact change has been negated by the Coalition’s Senate win.
Of for a nap till Dr Who and then too much TV tonight and I will be out. Hope the appliances don’t all died tonight.