Buffy the Diary Slayer
- I am Cooking: Spanish food!!!
- Books I am Reading: Going Postal at last
- Labradors Spotted: 2 Retrievers and a Jack Russell cross
- TV /DVDs I am Watching: Not enough time today
What a trauma there has been – I lost my Buffy Diary and I could no longer function. I thought I had left it at CAG’s when I was homework helping, but then I went to sewing where we made chilli-like Santa brooches, and I came home and looked again but it was no where!!! I looked in the car three times and with the books but it was not there. I cannot live without my Buffy Diary, it is a loose-leaf organiser with a page for each week and opposite on the left a page for notes. If I don’t write everything down I really can’t remember anymore. My brain was affected I am sure by the years of not enough red blood cells!!! It had all the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and medical test forms and lists of important things. It was too horrible to contemplate. I took C a fat quarter of country Christmas fabric to say thank you. I must make a copy of the important things over the weekend into nest year’s diary NOW before I lose it again. I have 6 diaries, perhaps I should do it in them all??
We had afternoon tea yesterday with the 3 other dogs and it was lovely. Harki went to the Hospital and got new drops for her ears. We bought new leads, green of course. It was warm last night so I will have to prepare the portable air cooler for the warm nights ahead. It takes, not only water, but ice too, and so it makes the air very cool and circulates it.
Tonight ACMA is coming for tea and we are having Spanish type food and upside down cake!!! I am going to the greengrocer and supermarket at noon, so I can be home in time for The World Today at 1 pm. I will be so glad when the rest of the country catches up with us and I have 2 chances to hear it, at noon on Radio National and then 1 pm on 7NT. I am cross if I miss it and there is only one episode.
I have so much TV to catch up on and I know I vowed to have a rest this week but I have done a thing every day and I am so pathetic, I fell over and hurt my leg and arm yesterday.
Next week I am doing nothing, really, I am doing nothing at all. I have to sleep next week and rest as I feel a crisis of health coming on!! I will walk the Labradors and that is all I will do. I am staying home except for sewing and maybe CAGs for afternoon tea once. I must not do anymore, I must not do any more…….