Don't cry out loud, just keep it inside, it's not hard to hide my sorrow
- I am Cooking: Chinese Chicken wings and savouries too
- TV /DVDs I am Watching: Alias repeats from the beginning!!!
I don’t know what people saw in the rest of the world ( TROTW ) but here in Australia we got Jamie Durie – a garden makeover TV host, for the first 30 minutes of the Friends’ finale. I want to turn into one of those people who says ‘Why Oh Why Oh Why?’ He showed us next to nothing and dragged out the show endlessly. We wanted to see the after show highlights, like on the end of The Nanny, but no, credits roll, and that is the end. I expect it will be extras on the DVD. There are people here in Australia who don’t know how long ago Friends actually finished in TROTW , and they have posted their opinions on the Sydney Morning Herald website, complaining that Friends copied Sex and the City!!!! Most amusing. Well how was the show? Karen and I did simultaneous watching on the phone, while she loaded her new memory stick into the computer to download her school reports. It was very, very obvious that Courtney Cox was pregnant in real life. They were very bad at hiding it. I do agree that it focussed on Rachel too much, but that was the only story line needing to be tied up. It was the Friends of old : Chandler wisecracking: Joey being naïve: Phoebe at her new age weird best : Ross putting on his best faces of confusion: Monica cleaning and bossing : Rachel her usual indecisive self. You could not have asked for more, but it was the same old See the Lochness Monster syndrome. It is called this as there was an episode of the X Files where there was a monster in the lake and they had to SHOW it at the end, instead of leaving it to our imaginations. They have to spoil it by being totally literal. It is the same with Friends, they let it all be answered. I am not against this, but I do like there to be a few unknown. This must be because all the TV shows I like are cancelled before they end – Dark Skies, Now and Again, Dark Angel ( really, it had a semi-ending) Nowhere Man etc. So there you are., it is all over Red Rover and I am not particularly sad. I am used to making up my own plot for what happens next. I do a lot of thinking when I am walking the Labradors. It is only 25 minutes, but it is a time when my mind does not need to focus on anything other then them, so I have ample time to ponder life’s mysteries. I openly admit that I sing too – mostly musicals but I have a penchant for ‘Billy, don’t be a hero.” By Paper Lace. I now believe that 1000s of people will have left immediately now, but there it is, out in the open. It is on the same level as singing like Kasey Chambers by holding your nose. I make up the verses for inside the cards I make, I write letters, I make lists. I do all sorts of things. There is little quiet time for pondering in modern life, even at home I don’t like it to be quiet, I have the radio, music or TV on all the time. I can’t sleep unless there is a noise. I also can’t sleep unless I have a light on : in the hall and in the pantry, so when I wake, or get up, it is not dark. I am so glad my house is old as I have long cord that hangs from the ceiling over my bed that turns the lights on and off, other wise I have to turn the light off at the door way and then leap onto the bed – well as near as possible – to avoid whatever it is that happens when the lights go out.
Today I have been cooking Bacon rolly-uppy things and Chinese chicken wings, The bacon rolly-uppy things are made by mixing grated cheese, crispy bacon, capsicum, parsley, a bit of curry powder , spring onion and mayonnaise and then spreading on slices of rolled flat bread, You roll this up and then brush with butter and bake at 180 C for about 15 minutes. They are truly yummy. I have lost the recipe but I just make it up now. I have glued the bases into the knitted Nativity pieces and managed to cut off the top of the lid of the craft glue, instead of the inner spout. The pink person, who I think is one of the Magi had to be washed, but the others are fine. I have sewing tonight but I will have to do my quilt as the other two things are for Karen and thus not to be seen!!!
Quark, nylon and Kodak are totally invented new words, and there are not many totally new words. I like to add acribitz, boogelly and percentagise of my own making!!! We have language talk back on the radio every Tuesday afternoon, and I always try to listen. On the news at the moment I have just heard that we are having new tests for drugs when we have a Random Breath Test too. I sometimes take drugs for illness, I wonder if it is just illegal drugs, or any drugs? You apparently give a saliva sample and then if there is a reading you have to give a blood sample. The police are stalking me, I have been breathalysed so many times lately, and I always blow 0.0 as I only ever have one drink when I go out. I am finding it increasingly difficult to blow into the machine thing for 10 seconds – I may have to ask if I can be standing up next time, as it is easier to breathe. Waiting for change at the counter in the supermarket today I was forced to stare at the cigarettes. There can be no more than 2 packets of each kind visible, but they were covered with warnings, like – Smoking Kills- Smoking while pregnant is Dangerous – Lung Caner Kills and so on. If chocolate or wine came with those warnings I would stop straight away. I can’t understand how people still smoke – well I can, they are addicted, and although I exhibit a plethora of psychological conditions, an addictive personality is not one of them. I am obsessive, but not addictive.
In spite of sleeping for 9 ½ hours last night I am still feeling quite sleepy, so I must have a nap if I am to go out later. I am glad things are ending – like helping with homework, and visiting school with a cake, and even, to some extent, sewing. Next week is the last night and we are eating out at Pierre’s on George. I am feeling very end-of-termly.