Thursday, October 21, 2010


No use crying over burnt milk

  • I am Cooking: Fresh peach upside down cake, custard
  • Books I am Reading: The Tainted by Glenda Larke
  • TV /DVDs I am Watching: Not a jot!!!

Tony Abbott, the Howard Government Health Minister has done it again, he has brought up the question of abortion and also has a tantrum on AM this morning – refusing to answer questions. He said there was an “abortion epidemic’, that later term abortions are rife and that even pro-choice groups are worried too. The women’s and pro-choice groups are outraged. They say late term abortions are only used as a last resort and only when there is a serious health risk to the mother. It is a load of rubbish as Tony Abbott himself is opposed on religious grounds. This is all part of the religious fundamentalist pushing their agenda. Medicare should continue to fund this. It is a woman’s right to choose. You don’t see Tony Abbott or Christopher Pine advocating better contraception, with an ad campaign, and information, condoms and a pill sent out on fridge magnets. Tony Abbott himself has an illegitimate child, now an adult, that he did not take responsibility for. Let him without sin throw the first stone. I am amazed at how strongly I feel about this, never having wanted children myself, dogs are much easier. But it is wrong for men to dictate to women the way their bodies will be used. I can see there are two sides to the argument and that fathers must be given some input, but in the end it is the mother who carries the child, gives birth and is responsible. I may not agree with certain rights we have, but I believe that in a Democracy we should all have those rights available to us. Who is to say what we would do if we were in a certain situation?

In the interview on AM Tony Abbott has another tantrum like the one he had on Lateline when he lied about seeing Archbishop Pell. He refused to answer questions and then basically hung up the phone on the reporter. He comes across as a petulant child sulking because people will not take his side.

On another tack altogether, “Firefly” the series is coming to real TV!! Next week it will begin at an ungodly hour, but I feel compelled to tape it even though I already have the DVD and have watched it!! It is the same if they have a Babylon 5 movie on TV, I am forced to tape it and watch, an urge left over from the days when it was only on TV!!!

Captain Tight Pants is to die for!!!!

Rats, I have boiled the milk for the custard to a dry burned mess in the bottom of the saucepan. I am baking a fresh peach upside down cake and I thought it was that burning. Thank goodness that it was in a big saucepan and didn’t burn over. I must watch this lot or I will have run out of milk. OK it is fine and all made. On Fresh TV today they made meringues in the microwave oven. Sacrilege, but still it did appear that they were some form of meringue. Here are the instruction, but remember I have not tried this myself…..

Microwave Meringues

You need
1 egg white
1-2 cups sifted icing sugar

Quickly whip up the egg white in a bowl with a fork. Gradually stir in icing sugar until you have a paste, described as dry play dough.

Roll the mixture into large marble sized balls. Tear off one sheet of kitchen paper and put into the microwave with a ‘meringue’ in each corner (4) Microwave on HIGH 50 seconds or until meringues puff up and crisp. You will have to use trial and error for your own microwave.

Good luck!!!