Thursday, October 21, 2010


If I ruled the world every wash day would be a wonderful thing

  • I am Cooking: Beef Satay
  • TV /DVDs I am Watching: Voyager

I have missed a day as I was quite tired yesterday. I accidentally went to sleep and only woke up in time to go to Karen’s for tea and Blake’s 7 and Babylon 5. It rained yesterday and most of today except for the morning when we went for a walk. It is soggy, soaking rain, a bit torrential and tropical. It’s not cold at all : unless you are soaking wet. My new washing machine is excellent but the shine has worn of washing now. It is lovely and new and washes so well, and spins so fast things come out almost dry. I set it up and it came with OMO washing powder, like the batteries with a game, so you can wash straight away. I have Aloe Vera green OMO though. I did 3 loads of washing and it dried before all the rain. I have registered it online and emailed the Fisher & Paykel people to say how much I liked it. They sent a nice email back!!!

I have found the new Stephanie Alexander book for 20% off at Target so I put it on the lay-by. It is so good, and has a mass of 2700 grams which is over 5 pounds. It has a lovely stripy cover which is apparently a painting, but it really does just look like very colourful mainly crimson stripes.

I have bought all the things to make Prep Aged E a bunny sleeping bag. It is a camouflage pink pattern with pink lining, a pink head and bright pink for the inner ears. PA E likes pink!!! I shall wash the material and sew the bunny tomorrow. I don’t know when it needs to be ready to go to Macau.

I have made a brownie and also the Spanish tapas potatoes with garlic aioli again. Today I made Satay. Yesterday all I ate till tea were toasted cheese sandwiches again!!!

The Labradors are sleeping. They had a walk and a dip in the creek and now are shunning the rain.

I am so coathangered up. I have 30 new wooden coathangers that were so cheap. 2 at Target cost $8, ergo 30 should have cost $120, but I only paid $15. I am, of course, obsessively hanging up all my clothes whether they should be hung up or not. Now all the drawers are empty. It is like at school when you wrote on the very first page of your exercise books and wanted it to be perfect. After that you kind of give up the ghost. I wasn’t as bad as some children who only like to write on the right hand page. I had to sticky tape their books up and make them go back and fill up all the spaces!!!! I have also tied children’s pens and pencils to their desks by a string as I couldn’t cope anymore with their constant whines of “I can’t do any work, I’ve lost my pen/pencil/etc”. It is very heartening. The best thing is a hoop on the mat. When someone can’t keep their hands to themselves, or won’t pay attention, I put a hoop on the mat in front of me and they sat in it and then they couldn’t poke or pinch or punch anyone else as they couldn’t reach, and they were right under your eye too. These are mild behaviour management strategies compared to the British teachers who taped up children’s mouths or gave other children canes and allowed them to hit other children. Teachers are not allowed to hit children and this is right. Children do not learn out of fear. As a child I would have much rather had a smack than have to do an extra job at home, or worse still miss TV or have my book taken away. Consequences like that are a much greater deterrent. Nevertheless, teachers should not have to put up with abuse, verbal, physical or mental. Children like this should be removed from the class and something else arranged until their behaviour is appropriate. This is all very fresh in my mind as all my friends begin report writing and assessments and managing the children who are tired and excited and having Learn to Swim. I kind of don’t miss reports!!!

I plan to sleep now even though it is only 5-30 pm ish. I like listening to the rain on the roof, but I will open a window to let cool air in!!!