Thursday, October 21, 2010


Bunny bunny how you thrill me, Aha bunny bunny ooooo bop bop ah ooooo

  • I am Cooking: Muffins and Brownie
  • Books I am Reading: Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
  • TV /DVDs I am Watching: 4 Corners and Media Watch

We arose at the very godly hour of 10 am!!! Peri is feeling better and she and Harki have spent the day playing,wanting to lie on the Bunny Sleeeping bag in all incarnations of being, eating and sleeping!!!I have cooked muffins and brownie for Karen's staffroom today, and have cut out all the pieces of the Bunny and quilted the main piece of the body. It was interesting as Spotlight did not have the fabric I needed in the widths I needed but with judicious cutting and adding 1/2 a metre of calico to the underlining I have made it all fit!!! I know very little of great import today. I have perused the paper, read all my emails, drunk innumerable cups of tea and generally pottered.The outsidest I have been is to the back gate to get the paper, I must venture out the front to get the letters soon. My house is the third last on the point of a triangle beteen 2 roads and the footpath and house are about 2 metres higher than the road and there is no parking at the front, just a sheer drop and then the road. I have my entrance and parking at the back. It is down 3 flights of stairs but I am just glad it isn't the other way!! So I have 2 addresses, but the PO will only deliver mail to the front address. The Newsagency delivers the paper to the back and everything else except the letters and parcels come in the back. We don't answer the front door, we open the curved windows at the front and talk out of them!! There are 5 curved windows , like a semi circular bay window, they are not floor to ceiling, but start at couch arm level and go up to the rat run . The rat run is like a picture rail but it is a ledge. I have proper picture rails in the other rooms. The house is 74 years old and still has most of its original features ( not bathroom or kitchen though) like curvy wooden decorative things in the hall that are almost an arch and wooden decorative work up high to frame it. There are hidden glass sliding doors that separate the dining room and lounge room too. The balcony out the front is cool on summer days but the house is generally dark as it was built facing east so doesn't take advantage of any passive solar benefits. There are only 2 bedrooms but the hall is as big as a small room so it is lined with bookcases. As a child we had 3 bedrooms, and despite trying to share with my sister, one room each was always the default setting. My sister was full of angst and tantrums. As a 2 year old she blackmailed my mother by threatening to scream and wake up Daddy - who was on shifts- and told informed my mother she was there to pick up my sister's clothes after her!! I liked to read and listen to the ABC as on Saturday afternoons they had The Goons, the Science Show ( still on today) My Word or My Music and John West and his Opera music show that is also still on. They had serials too, like The Hobbit etc. I would lie on my bed and read and listen to the radio. I would while away the hours in these antisocial pursuits when I wasn't studying. I loved school, and was sad when it all finished - but then I was a teacher and went back to school every day to teach. I loved studying, I am a girly swot, there is no other word for me.