Thursday, October 21, 2010


The 10 Commandments of Television

  • I am Cooking: Cheese scones and macaroons
  • Books I am Reading: Waiting for Going Postal
  • TV /DVDs I am Watching: Cold Case

Here are the 10 incontrovertible rules of TV

  1. Teenagers are always smarter than their parents.
  2. Police never call for back-up.
  3. If running, a woman will always trip and/or fall.
  4. A car will always explode, no matter how small the collision.
  5. Haunted houses are never locked.
  6. The hero always finds a parking spot.
  7. Even if they jump from a height of 100 metres, the water is always deep enough.
  8. Bad guys are always ugly.
  9. Good guys are always good looking.
  10. No-one on TV has time to watch TV.

OK these may not be wholly incontrovertible but they are pretty much true. These are a few years old, they are written on a yellowing piece of paper pinned with a whole lot of paraphernalia on my cork board. Things I can’t bear to throw away, useless to all but me!!!.

My favourite cartoon is a maths cartoon captioned “The Square on the Hippopotamus”, with a man sitting atop a hippo saying –“Now look here, I’m Pythagoras, you can’t talk about me like that!!”

Last night I was to meet my friends at the Mock English pub for a birthday tea – I set the alarm and had a nap, the alarm went off, I heard it and the next thing I heard was the closing theme music of Dr Who. It was 6-31 pm and I was meant to be there 1 minute ago. I flew out of bed ( I want to write that I literally flew out of bed, but I am restraining myself) and dressed, put on some make up and perfume, grabbed the already wrapped gifts and cards, gave the Labradors a bone and was there at 6-39 pm. Thank heavens I live so close to the city and had done good preparation!!!

The food and company were great and it all went swimmingly until the

Straw’ incident, when a lemon pip from my G&T accidentally went up the straw and I didn’t know and I blew…………Some G&T everywhere really.

On the political front, well in the Labor party it is all about the back- the back benches are going to be very squishy – while on the tree front Mr ‘I’ll meet you behind the bike shed later’ Lennon had discovered that the Forestry and the Howard Government have pulled a swifty on him and there will likely be no compensation. What a surprise. Unfortunately it has served all of us right rather than him.

No news on the Senate count for the last seat thus far, Milne still stalled on 0.89 of a quota and counting….

This afternoon I am off to help G with Roman Numerals and multiplying and then after a nap off to sewing to make Santa brooches – or not, depending on how the working people are feeling.